Saturday, December 06, 2008

Australia. The Movie.

So tonight I decided to join some family to see the movie Australia. In Australia. hehehe.. How weird is that. Only reason I watched it is because a cousin of mine worked on it for a couple years as well and we had to sit and wait for his name to come up on the credits.....



Well.. 2 hours into it.. I can just see flashes of me watching Pearl Harbor or Titanic... or whatever other fuckin ridiculous stretched out movie where all you keep saying to yourself is "Bring on the fuckin water.. or bring on the fuckin bombs." I don't need to see Wolverine taking his shirt off left and right prancing around the outback.

So anyway, I decided I would post a picturebook for those who don't plan to watch it.

***Caution: SPOILERS AHEAD.***

So it all starts with Kidman and Jackman who apparently run some cow business. I can't put that in other more exciting way for you. It is what it is.

Then blah blah blah.. insert Japanese planes who fuck shit up for fellow Australians and Aboriginals.

BTW. We had to wait almost 2 and a half hours for this. **cough** Pearl Harbor **cough**

Then in the final sad moments of minute 155..

Aaannndd... that about wraps it up!

Interesting movie. My recommendation? Don't spend the $10-12 bucks on it, nor rent it. Just enjoy the hard work and money that went into the production of the movie and my picturebook.. and leave it at that.



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